Monday, March 16, 2009

A Beautiful Spring Day

I must start this entry with a look back to September. Somehow I failed to highlight the day the silver maple was removed to make room for our addition. These photos remind me of what a wonderful, long-lasting autumn we had, as look how green everything still was at the end of September.

These first shots show the end of the first day after one "fork" of the tree came down.

The next day they made very quick work getting the rest of the tree down. High up in the bucket we were amazed how this fellow used the chain saw as well as directed the fall of the large heavy logs he was dropping.

He made very quick work of this last section of the trunk and before long...

...all we had left was a stump and a nice pile of logs to cut up for firewood. The rest of the wood was chipped up or taken by our neighbor. We only wanted to deal with the smaller pieces. However, that weekend we quickly realized we had way more wood here and it took much longer to cut it into smaller pieces and haul to the back lot.

Now, fast forward back to present day. Yesterday we made a trip into town to rent a stump grinder. Here Poppy gets started at removing the stump.

It made pretty fast work of eating away the wood. I tried to help by shoveling the saw dust out of the way.
Within a couple hours only a hole was left. This morning he worked a bit more to be sure no stump would get in the way of leveling off the ground and preparing for the driveway.

Now we have lots of dirt, which will be a lot of mud and mess this spring. This shows how the pile of dirt in the front yard was leveled out to dry a bit.

They trenched out to put drain tiles out to the lake and the bobcat continued to move around the dirt. The dirt there on the north side of the house was still even frozen in the middle. It will take another day for finalizing grading the yard, as it was too wet for them to work with it a lot.

While I was out enjoying some of the sunshine and 60 degree weather, I caught this shot of my daffodils peeking through the mulch. I love this sign of spring, they are one of my favorite flowers!

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